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Accredited Experts

Atadrova Associates Inc is a consumer reporting agency (CRA) headquartered in Washington, DC USA. Every member of our workforce is Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) certified by the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS).

Our Promise

All senior members of the Global Verification Network leadership team hold the prestigious FCRA Advanced Certification. Every member of our investigative team is degreed, registered and licensed as an investigative professional.

Value Proposition

Our role as a third party administrator (TPA) finds us servicing organizations with and employees with Pre employemet screening,services needed throughout the United States and Internationally.

companies we've worked with

About us

Atadrova Associates Inc. is committed to screening done the right way. We do not offshore personally identifying information (PII), and we are dedicated to the responsible use of criminal history databases in the employment screening context.

Our mission

We are a proud member of Concerned CRAs, an organization which is dedicated to both of these foundational principles.Our custom screening solutions are thorough, accurate, based on sound investigative methodologies and DataBase Checks.

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